Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mark Twain Museum, Hannibal, MO

So Hannibal exists around it's Mark Twain legacy.  The first thing that I did was hit up the Mark Twain Museum.  It was filled with camp kids and it really is very child friendly.  They had the Huck and Jim "raft" in the middle of the museum, where you could sit and watch the scene from the "Huckleberry Finn" movie.  There were lots of interactive exhibits and information on Samuel Clemens life, his journalism career, his passion for travel and, of course, his memorable American literature. 

I was really excited to find the upstairs exhibit!!  First, there were all the Normal Rockwell paintings that he created to illustrate The Adventures of Tom Saywer and Huckleberry Finn. The paintings were so beautiful.  Rockwell said that he was the first painter to actually go to Hannibal, MO, to get a feel for Twain's home town, before drawing the pictures to accompany the books.  

You can see pictures of Norman Rockwell, Tom Sawyer in church, Huck speaking to Ms. Mary Jane, a disheveled Pap and the imposters:  the Duke and Dauphin, in the photos about.  Sorry for the flash glare; I'm not a professional photographer.  

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