Thursday, July 10, 2008

Western Kansas!!

So right now I'm sitting in the "Western Kansas Saloon and Grill" and it actually has free wifi...who knew?  We are trekking across this seemingly endless state, heading to Denver Colorado.  This week I visited Hannibal, Missouri (many posts to come), home of Mark Twain.  I saw: 

1. Twain's Boyhood Home
2. The Mark Twain Museum
3. The "Mark Twain" steam boat, which I rode on
4. Becky Thatcher's house
5. The Mark Twain cave
6. The Tom Sawyer white washed fence

and much more.  

Hannibal was very interesting and we stayed at an awesome Bed and Breakfast called the Garth Mansion (see pictures above) where they made their own raspberry butter and where llamas roamed around in your line of vision during breakfast.  Awesome!  

On the way through Missouri, we faced a SERIOUS rain storm.  We couldn't see at all outside the windshield.  Here I have some pics of the dark, foreboding storm clouds, which actually looked pretty beautiful (as did the lightning).  There are also some nice shots of the Missouri landscape.  The farm country wasn't a big shock to Paul, but I was pretty impressed. 

As you can see, we also hit up our first road side dining spot:  Joe's Diner.  It's in Hannibal and was the only place open after 9 p.m., but it was well worth it for the banana cream pie and a sufficiently greasy and delicious hamburger.  Note the 1950's decor on the walls.  

1 comment:

Sarge said...

That place looks Awesome!

I am now really jealous of this trip.