Who doesn't love Buffalo Bill? He represents the fabled American West and is the image of "the dream" and the ability to make it as a buffalo hunter, an government employed Indian fighter, an actor and a showman! Well, on top of Lookout Mountain, in Golden, Colorado, you can visit Buffalo Bill's grave and walk through a very kitschy and informative Buffalo Bill museum that is fun for all ages. Our friend from college, Melanie Irvine, works as the exhibit designer at the museum, so we were lucky enough to get a private tour and check out the Antique Firearm exhibit that she designed and created from scratch.
Countless dime novels were also written about Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley, the woman he hired to come on the road with his buffalo and gun show. ee cummings also wrote a great poem about Buffalo Bill, which happens to fit into my 11th grade American Dream curriculum very nicely. See below.
Buffalo Bill's defunct who used to ride a watersmooth-silver stallion and break onetwothreefourfive pigeonsjustlikethat Jesus he was a handsome man and what i want to know is how do you like your blueeyed boy Mister Death
- ee cummings
I'm very jealous. Ever since I was little I wanted to see a teepee. What was it like?
Well, the teepee was pretty much what you'd expect. It wasn't really set up to camp in or anything. The material is heavy like an animal's skin, you know...the usual..=).
Wow, you've certainly covered a good deal of ground, and you don't seem any worse for the wear! I loved the beat bar. Seems like your journey is going really smoothly. I think of you often!
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